Thankful for our teachers and educators.

Thank you Teachers!

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Several years ago when the pandemic spread and school was closed, our visits from social workers and the state dwindled.  Many foster care “visits” took place virtually via Skype or zoom and I was scared for kids that weren’t in safe homes.

Who will be there for the kids that never get anything positive from home?  Teachers are not only mandated reporters, they are so much more.  Teachers: You’re the only “good” some kids experience on a regular basis.  

I’m so sorry that as a society we ask so much from you.  Teach them, nurture them, keep them safe from harm.  We’ve far surpassed running with scissors,  ya’ll are trying to keep them safe whether it be getting sick, harm from others, trying to keep them safe from themselves. (Pandemics, Bullying, Drugs, Self-Harm, Mass Violence)

The cycle continues as we place phones in their hand, but aren’t taking adequate stock of what a dangerous tool this can be when used incorrectly.  Now we also demand that you allow them to have constant communication, while also permitting them to open the door to every influence at the touch of their fingertips.  It’s no wonder why we are seeing such a decline of mental health in our youth.

I can’t imagine what a weight that is for an educator to bear.  No wonder, many of your colleagues are leaving the profession in droves. 

Thank you for what you do.  I’m especially thankful as we prepare to send our kids back to school for those teachers that are the real MVPs of society, pouring yourself into young minds, and inspiring them to garner a love of learning.  We need you!

May you be blessed this school year and always.

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